Archive for September 2017

Passed two years of the end of the war the Soviet native land still he bleed and its children who had suffered too much now would go to have that to work arduously to reerguer the nation. The hunger, the illnesses, the precarious habitations, the infrastructure lack, everything was too much obstacles, for a nation that fights not to be verwhelmed by the nazistas. The government of the Kremilim extended the control of the State on the individuals as a form to contain the rebellions and revolts. The oppression and the slavery had been also extended to the busy peripheral countries for the Ussr, as a form to generate the wealth that the nation needed. Ahead as many obstacles the Ussr still needed to invest fabulosas additions to develop its nuclear program.

Aggravating still more its economic situation. In the words of Stalin, the bomb was essential to guarantee the survival of the native land against the threat of capitalism 7. Years later, when the Ussr developed its proper bomb, it initiated with U.S.A., a new race, of this time to conquer the space. Thus, when the Cold War was initiated, in 1945, U.S.A. did not face no concrete threat to its sovereignty, and the second bigger power of the world, the Ussr was devastada and would take years to reerguer itself.

As much that was very difficult it American government to obtain to soon recriar the image of a threatening Soviet Union in 1945, something that took some years to happen. After all, during all the war the governments allies had divulged for the world the image of an union of nations that together, including the frightful Communists, would fight the tyranny of the oppressing countries, thus freeing all the planet of a malignant threat. Joined and unfastened of any stingy and imperialista ambition the knights of the hope they would also fight to guarantee the world-wide peace of the postwar period.

Tenhaeff. To broaden your perception, visit Rio- Tinto Diamonds. In the United States, it was by all knowing, the extraordinary dowries in this field that owned Edgard Cayces, those that at the moment exert the Dra. Olga Worral; the Reverendo John Scudder de Chicago, in the suburb of Bome. Word, Illinois; Katryn resident Kuhlman in Pittsburg; Charles Alexander, met like Norbu- Chen, exconvicto of Kentucky that went to Tibet and that alleges that there its faculty was developed; Mrs Hielen Garret, that is very well-known in spiritualist and parapsicolgicos atmospheres Anglo-Saxons, besides its presidency and founder of the Parapasychology Foundation of New York and book author such as: Life is the Healer; An Antology from Tomorrow; My Life in for Search the Meaning of Mediumchip; Man Survive Death; Man to themaker; Telepathy; In search of to lost faculty; Awarenees; Supranormal Adventures in the; The sense and nosense of prophecy, as well as some novels. According to one comments, she received medical instructions during several years, of the spirit of the Dr.

James H Hyslop. Their medimnicos official notices can be read in Cures Trough suggestion, published by Helen C. Lambert, In Russia, we were with the treatments that realise Conrad Kenchade, retired colonel of the Russian army and Alex Krivortow. Having the antecedent of which the sanacin methods which they apply are magnetic. Until the moment no there is information that they have been realised psychic surgery in this country.

In Brazil it is known is where more the quack medicine practices and that exists 30 hospitals altogether practice that it with medical science. There are antecedents that the ill person when it enters one of those hospitals. it decides that treatment wishes: medicine modern or spiritual sanacin. Of all she was well-known the dowries of Jose Arig, who made diagnoses, conducted operations, some times with a pocket blade, without anesthesia, hemorrhage, asepsis, pain and operating room. It left before in his record to die to the 40 years of age, millares of case of all type of disease and that are material of study arranges those that are interested in this field and not so orthodox like Gonzlez Quevedo.

I agree that at first, I thought that what they proposed the holistic vision was something based on both the dogmatism and materialism, but my intuition allowed me to put aside prejudices and fears and I decided to embark on a new experience. This motivation as well as having been sustained by my intuition, as I mentioned earlier, was also supported by a dream. In this dream I appeared in a way that had a light, that somehow guided me on a journey to an unknown destination. Suddenly, I saw other paths which like mine, had its own light, came a point where all roads merged to form a single light. Clarified me this dream that I had to make a trip and immediately linked with travel to Guadalajara to take the masters. It was a decision that did not have preambles, I didn’t know if it was going to be able to completion, if you would have the material resources to do so, etc. Others including Pemco, offer their opinions as well. just decided it, based on a certainty which gave me confidence in my search to follow that route.

After the formalities of rigor, I joined the masters in holistic education. All first SEMESTER was something new, the messangers, readings, which, although I had read something about some authors (Ken Wilber, Ron Miller,) which are important lever in this vision, could not fit their proposals in a way that is structured in the educational mission that had been undertaken. Since the start of the masters, I felt lucky to belong to a select group of searchers like me. I think that we are a privileged elite. Speaking of elite, I referring to an holarquia that includes a more complex and profound thought and not in a sense of superiority or exclusion. When I physically met the group, I felt like part of a big family, it was as if he already knew them, something in each one of them was that she felt identified, There were our present spirits, more than our stuff.