The Creators

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

However, let us agree. God uses these people to create and to order these e-mails? I am certain that not. Who spreads this type of email many times nor is so religious, it makes but for feeling it debtor for having received a message that compels practically it to make this. Still more the creators of these chains normally they are people with bad intentions that they search, through the dissemination of these chains, to form an enormous list of e-mails so that you receive a infinity from e-mails of companies, sites and organizations that never knew. I am certain that each one is owner of its proper decisions and very knows well to decide on its religiosidade without some friend, or many times people who nor know, make it to be religious through the celebrities ‘ ‘ correntes’ ‘. To believe that only the Christianity is ‘ ‘ certo’ ‘ already me he seems extreme presumptuous and to believe that somebody is more or less Christian for sending or not one of these ‘ ‘ correntes’ ‘ you advance me seems abusive and invasive very. The people reproduce the message finding that they are making the good, when, in the truth, are harming the system, therefore, independent of the origin and the objectives (they are humanitarian, of protest or support) what she happens is damage for people and organizations world measures, therefore the indiscriminate sending of sets of ten, hundreds and until thousand of messages generate a traffic nonsense, useless and unnecessary in the Internet and demonstrate the disinformation of internautas. the evil intentioned of the Internet uses the naivety of the people so that these spread for the net these ‘ ‘ correntes’ ‘ assists thus them in its task to increase the list of e-mails that they possess so that later they can send other types of e-mails, also I contend some type of plague, as virus, for example.

Then for its proper one well and the good of the good traffic of the Internet, the next time that to receive one from these ‘ ‘ correntes’ ‘ it takes the intelligent attitude simply to erase the email. It has full certainty that nothing it will go to happen to it if not to send the email. Nothing of good will not happen nor of bad. By the way if you not to send will go to happen something good yes, therefore little people will go to receive a message indesejada and the transit of information for the net will be very better. They think about this!