Tetris Project

Friday, November 17, 2017

Before drawing up forward edge in the Photoshop, we must make sure to count on the conditions of minimum organization and necessary psychic state that they harness a beginning inspired and productive of our new project Web. Although operative tens of things exist that to do before initiating each new project Web, in this occasion I bring to mention eight simple considerations, especially to prepare to us mental and psychically to begin of form vigorous and organized our new project. Clean your writing-desk Although it seems plus a mother advice, is much wisdom in it, because to clean and to order our writing-desk of all those folders, loose leaves, discs, pamphlets, and post it watered, has a very positive symbolism in marking to a new beginning, favoring our psychic disposition and order of ideas. In addition you do not forget to do the same in your Desktop, organizing all those folders and archives that were being accumulated to you and that make seem your screen like a game of Tetris. It considers your availability of time It does not stop to reject the project, but to fluidly integrate it to the train of work of the other developing projects. Dedcale minutes to evaluate the state of your present projects and plans the best way to integrate the new tasks and commitments. Dale clarity to your mind It releases your mind of the greater amount of possible slopes, directing but that you can the present projects before beginning conceptualizar the new one, this will give necessary the mental clarity you for enfocarte completely in the operative and creative planning of the new project. Ntrete of inspiration You do not treat each project as if you were a machine of the factory of Henry Ford, because each project requires a customized treatment, for that reason must spend a prudential time to fill to your bank of ideas with references and fresh tendencies for inspirarte totally and to apply the maximum of creativity to your new project.