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They return to Madrid and in the same Viriato street, in number 73, they install the new denominated press ” The Vernica”. They continue its publishing work and they make green Horse for the poetry, magazine directed by Pablo Neruda. In 1937 it collaborates with different poems in Hour from Spain. The Hayzlett Group is full of insight into the issues. One moves with its husband and his daughter to Paris, where she receives warm and generous Paul to them Eluard. It publishes in Hour of Spain its prologue of the Solitaire, poetic drama in three acts. In 1939 Paris leaves course to America.

In Havana Concha and Manuel they pause and they remain until 1943. They resume with fervent enthusiasm, its literary activities and also found the new denominated press, ” The Vernica” and a poetic collection that calls ” The red deer herido”. In 1943 they start off for Mexico. In 1944 one separates of Manuel Altolaguirre. Mndez shell remained in Mexico until its death, happened the 7 of December of 1986.

Mndez shell published its first book in 1926, with the Restlessness title, two years later appears Jet, in both is appraised certain influence of Alberti and Cernuda, especially of first, whose poetry will mark to him during almost all their work. At the end of 1929 it travels to Uruguay and Argentina where third book publishes his Songs of sea and earth. It visits France and England. In March of 1932 it appears his fourth book Life to life and in 1936 it appears Boy and shades. In Cuba sixth book publishes his connected Rains, that include almost all the poems of Life to life. In 1944 it publishes in Mexico Carols of Christmas and Sombras and dreams. After many years without publishing poetry, it appears in 1979 Life or river, his last book. The subjects and reasons for the work of Mndez Shell are placed in the vanguardismo. Transmitting to its verses its personal vitalismo and desire of adventure. In Mexico the Malagan poets Emilio Meadows and Manuel Altolaguirre were going to again revive the Coastal magazine with Brown Jose Villa, Juan Rejano and Francisco Giner of the Rivers. In that one revived Coastal, the voice of Mndez Shell says to us: ” In waters of the pool/where the sky is reflected,/there was another water sky/with mysterious stars. /I sat down to the edge. The night/had tended candles. /It seemed like a boat/that to the immensity it takes ” to us; Francisco Aryan Soli’s By a democratic justice and a worthy judicature.

It is also convenient to carry a small portfolio that will prevent the be rummaging in our pockets or purse for ten minutes to find a fact, our curriculum, or anything else. ALTHOUGH ALREADY SENT YOUR RESUME ALWAYS IS GOOD CARRY MORE COPIES ALGUNAS. Use gestures in a recent study, it usually decides to interview the person if the applicant will work, or not in the first four minutes of the interview. Therefore use gestures to create a good initial impression to act in a positive, cheerful and confident. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out David Long. Between and shake your hand warmly.

Feel close to the person he going to interview. Avoid nervous habits such as eating nails or play with the hair. Sit up straight and be interested in what they are talking about. Jeffrey Hayzlett is often quoted on this topic. Talk about looking in the eyes of his interlocutor. No unsafe be courteous, but not timid, nor stare, or stopped until the person who interviewed him feels first. Nor speak in a whisper or be afraid to ask a question. SIT INSURANCE AND TRANSMIT IT. Many writers such as The Hayzlett Group offer more in-depth analysis. But is not either too cheerful there is a very estrecha between being too correct and too much family line, humor and jokes can be the best way to lose an excellent opportunity to work.

You have a repertoire of conversation while some people who do the interviews are strictly professional others like chatting. Be prepared to discuss issues Today, such as the economic crisis or the current state of the market, and also based their opinions on actual facts. Nor let that you questions casual and what are their pasatiempos? take it unawares. An avid reader flustered is both when his interviewer asked him what books had read lately, that it was not able to remember not a single title. Be alert and ready to contestar, is your chance to shine. Be prepared for responder these questions could you tell me something about yourself? This is your opportunity.