South American Nations

Thursday, May 2, 2019

It divides the difficulties that you examine in so many parts as it is possible, for its better solution. Ren Descartes We were to the expectations of which they were going to be the results of this meeting of the Mercosur to that as much emphasis occurred him and where solutions to pending subjects were due more to have given that were had, the problem of the crisis. The certain thing, that it finished and as is of public knowledge and to thus it indicates it, the Mercosur and the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) concluded their respective summits without solving several pending subjects, as the elimination of the double tariff common in the case of the first block and the election of the Secretary General in the one of the second. The presidents of the countries of the Mercosur ended the conclave celebrated in the Brazilian spa of Coast do Saupe (northeast) without signing the agreement to eliminate double Arancel Externo Comn (AEC) nor to make specific the regional Customs Code. He is possible to emphasize, that the Mercosur will not realise its potential plenary session while the products cannot circulate freely. We will continue working during the Paraguayan presidency to try to eliminate the double collection of arancel" , it admitted the president of Brazil, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, during its intervention in the appointment. Lula yielded the temporary presidency of the block integrated by Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay to the governor of this last country, Fernando Lugo. Lugo, when receiving the presidency, assured that the management from its country to the front of the Mercosur will be characterized by the efforts to promote one more a sensible integration and with human face the failure in the negotiations to eliminate the double tariff took place mainly by the objections of Paraguay, a country without exit to the sea that says not to be able to resign to the taxes that receive on products of third nations that enter their territory coming from Brazil and Argentina.